Stay Ahead with C9EYE Monitoring

Global Oversight, Real-time Precision

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Pioneering cyber security Features to Reinforce
Your Web Safety

Uptime & Latency Monitoring

Continuous scrutiny of your digital gateways, ensuring they remain impregnable.

Port & Vulnerability Checks

Continuous scrutiny of your digital gateways, ensuring they remain impregnable.

Honeypot Service

Set traps, lure threats, and monitor with our avant-garde honeypot services.

Global Uptime and Latency Monitoring

Monitor server availability and performance from 20+ worldwide locations.
Real-time insights into server latency issues.
Comprehensive uptime statistics with visual graphs
Instant notifications for detected downtime or performance drops.

Port & Vulnerability Monitoring

Continuous scans of server ports for security checks.
Detection of open, closed, and potentially vulnerable ports.
Insights into potential threats and exploitable weaknesses.
Recommendations for patching or securing detected vulnerabilities.

Hacker Activity Alerts with

Deploy virtual traps to detect and analyze hacker activities.
Real-time alerts when a trap is triggered.
In-depth insights into the methods and origins of cyber threats.
Data-driven strategies to bolster organizational cyber security.

Dashboard & Reporting

Unified view of all monitored servers, ports, and vulnerabilities.
Easy-to-read visual data representations.
Exportable reports for management or cyber security teams.
Filtered views to focus on high-priority issues or specific servers.

Notification System

Customize alert preferences based on urgency or threat type.
Integration with email, SMS, and third-party communication tools.
Intelligent alert escalation for high-severity threats.
Silent mode for non-disruptive periods or maintenance windows.

C9Eye Testimonials

Designed to meet the diverse security needs of businesses, our solution provides
a comprehensive defense against evolving threats.

"C9Eye gives us real-time visibility into our network activity, allowing us to identify and neutralize threats before they can cause damage. This proactive approach has saved us from costly downtime and data breaches."
Network Administrator, Healthcare

"C9Eye's AI-powered threat detection is incredibly sophisticated. It can identify anomalies and suspicious patterns that traditional security tools might miss. This helps us stay ahead of the curve and protect our critical infrastructure."
Security Engineer, Manufacturing

"C9Eye's automated threat analysis saves our security team valuable time and resources. They can focus on investigating and mitigating high-priority threats while C9Eye handles the initial detection and analysis."
Chief Information Officer, Insurance

"C9Eye's user-friendly interface makes it easy for our security team to monitor our network activity and investigate potential threats. We don't need a team of cybersecurity experts to leverage the power of this solution."
IT Manager, Education

"C9Eye integrates seamlessly with our existing security infrastructure. This allows us to gain a holistic view of our network security posture and identify potential vulnerabilities. This comprehensive approach is essential in today's ever-evolving threat landscape."
Security Consultant, Retail

How It Works

How C9EYE Works?

Cloud-based Vulnerability Management System

Sign Up
Provide Your List of Public IP Addresses
Check Your Email for Notifications

Sign Up

Start by signing up for our cloud-based Vulnerability Management System. Our platform is designed to help you identify and address system vulnerabilities effectively.


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